
Our Adore Rose Bouquet is the most exquisite mix of large headed Faith and Naomi roses. These roses compliment each other perfectly. The wax flower has a slight scent which I adore. 

This bouquet includes red Naomi roses, Fair roses, spray red roses, wax flower and seasonal foliage.


Presented in our signature branded wrapping.


Please note the vase is not included with the Bouquet.



Prices for delivery are broken down by London postcode and the nationwide area, this is detailed in the delivery section of the website and will be calculated at checkout. Customers ordering in London before 10pm can qualify for next day delivery


Please note

Our bouquets are made with the freshest seasonal flowers possible, if the bloom is unavailable one of our florists will substitute this with a bloom of the same or higher monetary value. The picture here shows the medium bouquet.

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